As the Valorant Challengers League 2024 heats up, Revenant Esports remains a formidable contender in South Asia, driven by a consistent team roster and strong individual performances. In an exclusive interview with Sportskeeda Esports, SkRossi, a standout player for Revenant Esports, shared insights into the team's dynamics and their strategy for success.


Steady Roster and Team Dynamics

Despite the competitive pressure, Revenant Esports has chosen not to make changes to their lineup post-Cup 1, a decision underscored by their strong showing in the league so far. SkRossi, who previously shone as a Duelist and now excels in the Initiator role, emphasized the importance of trust and communication within the team. "Individually, all the players are great. Good communication between each other!" he noted during the interview.


Performance and Expectations

Revenant Esports has demonstrated significant prowess, securing a commendable 3rd place in Cup 1 and showing promise in Cup 2. Their consistency and strategic coherence have positioned them as one of the top teams to watch in the race for the Pacific Ascension 2024 spot. SkRossi’s transition to an Initiator role reflects the team's adaptive strategies and his versatile skill set.


Looking Forward

With only one team from South Asia advancing to the Pacific Ascension event in Tokyo, the stakes are high. Revenant Esports' decision to maintain their roster stability is a testament to their confidence in their current team dynamics and their collective ability to compete at the highest levels.



Revenant Esports, bolstered by their faith in each other and solid in-game communication, looks poised to make a strong bid for the top spot in the Valorant Challengers League 2024. As they continue to compete in the challenging environment of South Asia’s tier two tournament, their journey is one to watch for fans and competitors alike.