Welcome to the battlegrounds! PUBG Mobile, a game that redefined the mobile gaming landscape, offers an exhilarating battle royale experience. This guide is your first step towards becoming a skilled survivor in the intense and unpredictable world of PUBG Mobile.


Understanding the Basics

PUBG Mobile pits 100 players against each other on a deserted island, where the ultimate goal is to be the last one standing. Players parachute onto the island, scavenge for weapons and equipment, and fight to survive while the play area gradually shrinks.


Choosing Your Drop Zone Wisely

  • High-Risk, High-Reward Areas: Locations like Pochinki or School are loot-dense but attract many players.
  • Low-Risk Areas: Opt for less populated areas if you prefer a slow and steady approach, allowing you to gear up before engaging in battles.


Mastering the Controls

Familiarize yourself with the game's controls in the settings menu. Practice shooting, aiming, and moving in the training mode. Adjust the sensitivity settings to find what best suits your playstyle.


PUBG Mobile: Tips and Tricks to Improve your Aim - GamingonPhone


Loot Smart

Looting efficiently is key to survival. Prioritize finding:

  • Weapons: Assault rifles and SMGs are versatile for beginners.
  • Armor: Helmets and vests are crucial for reducing damage.
  • Backpacks: Essential for carrying more items.
  • Healing Items: Stock up on bandages and energy drinks for health recovery.


Stay on the Move

Remaining stationary makes you an easy target. Move frequently, especially when looting or in open areas. Use vehicles wisely; they're fast but noisy and can attract unwanted attention.


Understand the Importance of the Play Zone

The play zone, or "circle," is your ticking clock. Staying outside the circle causes damage over time, so always plan your next move towards the safe zone. Keep an eye on the map and time your movements.


How is the play zone decided in PUBG? - Quora


Engage Wisely

Combat in PUBG Mobile is unforgiving. Choose your battles:

  • Stealth is Your Ally: Sometimes, avoiding conflict is the best strategy.
  • Aim for Headshots: Headshots deal more damage.
  • Use the Environment: Cover is your best friend during firefights.


Team Play

If playing in squads or duos:

  • Communicate: Use voice chat to coordinate with your team.
  • Revive Teammates: Downed but not out, teammates can be revived, so stick together.


Final Tips

  • Practice: Spend time in the training mode to improve your aim and familiarize yourself with different weapons.
  • Watch and Learn: Observing other players, especially through streams or replays, can offer valuable insights.
  • Stay Calm: Panic can lead to poor decisions. Stay focused, and enjoy the game.


PUBG Mobile is a game where strategy, skill, and a bit of luck determine the victor. With this beginner's guide, you're now equipped with the knowledge to start your journey. Remember, every player you encounter was once a beginner too. Good luck, and may the odds ever be in your favor on the battleground.