Pokémon Unite introduces a fresh take on the MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) genre, set within the beloved Pokémon universe. This game combines strategic team play, fast-paced battles, and the iconic Pokémon in a competitive 5-on-5 match where teams fight to score points by depositing Aeos energy in the opposing team's goals. Whether you're a seasoned MOBA player or new to the genre, Pokémon Unite offers a unique experience. This guide will cover the basics to get you started on your journey to becoming a top Unite player.


Understanding the Basics

In Pokémon Unite, two teams of five players each battle it out across a map divided into two halves, each dotted with goal zones. Players control Pokémon, fighting wild Pokémon, leveling up, evolving, and attempting to score more points than the opposing team before time runs out.


Choosing Your Pokémon

Each Pokémon in Unite has a specific role: Attacker, Defender, Speedster, Supporter, or All-Rounder. Your choice should complement your team’s composition and suit your preferred playstyle.

  • Attackers deal high ranged damage but are generally low on defense.
  • Defenders can absorb a lot of damage and protect their teammates.
  • Speedsters excel at quick movements and scoring points.
  • Supporters provide heals and buffs for the team.
  • All-Rounders are versatile, capable of both dealing and taking moderate damage.


Gameplay Phases

Early Game: Farming and Leveling

  • Focus on defeating wild Pokémon to gain experience and Aeos energy.
  • Leveling up unlocks and strengthens your Pokémon's moves.


Mid Game: Team Fights and Objectives

  • Start coordinating with your team to secure objectives like Drednaw for shields and experience, or Rotom to assist in scoring.
  • Engage in team fights wisely, capitalizing on enemy mistakes.


Late Game: Zapdos and Final Push

  • The legendary Pokémon Zapdos appears in the central area later in the match. Securing Zapdos grants a significant scoring advantage.
  • Use the final minutes to score points, especially if Zapdos has been defeated, but be mindful of the enemy team's counterattacks.


Scoring Points

  • To score points, you must deposit the Aeos energy you've collected into enemy goal zones. Be strategic about when and where to score, as the action leaves you vulnerable to attacks.
  • Late-game points are crucial, as goals can hold more points and scoring becomes faster after defeating Zapdos.


Tips for New Players

  • Communication and Teamwork: Use quick chat options and stay aware of the map to coordinate with your team.
  • Role Fulfillment: Stick to your role's responsibilities. Attackers should focus on dealing damage, while defenders protect teammates and control space.
  • Positioning: Stay aware of your positioning in team fights and when scoring points. Avoid overextending without support.
  • Practice: Spend time with different Pokémon in the practice area to understand their abilities and find your preferred playstyle.


Pokémon Unite offers an engaging mix of MOBA strategy and Pokémon charm, appealing to fans of both genres. By mastering the basics of gameplay, understanding the roles and abilities of Pokémon, and working effectively as a team, you'll enhance your skills and enjoyment of the game. Remember, every Unite Battle is a chance to learn and grow. See you on the field, Trainer!