G2 Esports has triumphed over Team Heretics in the VCT Masters Shanghai playoffs. The team continues its undefeated streak in the international tournament, having won all four of its matches so far. Despite a close call, G2 staged a massive comeback on Map 2, leading to their eventual series victory.


Match Overview

G2 Esports and Team Heretics initially faced off during the Swiss Stage, where G2 won with a 2-1 scoreline. On July 2, 2024, history repeated itself with another 2-1 victory for G2.


Match Details

Map 1: Icebox

  • Team Heretics' Pick: The EMEA team showed strong preparation, securing 10 defensive rounds in the first half. G2 struggled, getting eliminated for five rounds and having their Spike defused for another five. They managed to run the clock after planting the Spike in only two rounds. Team Heretics closed the map with a 13-7 win.


Map 2: Ascent

  • G2's Pick: Despite a similar defensive start for Team Heretics, who again secured 10 rounds, G2 turned the tide in the second half. G2 won 11 consecutive rounds, showcasing perfect synchronization. A crucial force-buy after losing the pistol round saw G2 eliminate the entire opposing team and defuse the Spike on B-site. Key players icy, JonahP, and Trent led the charge, making the subsequent rounds easy wins for G2.


Map 3: Lotus

  • G2 dominated, defeating Team Heretics with a 13-4 scoreline. JonahP topped the frag charts, followed closely by leaf. Their performance highlighted the team's potential when momentum is on their side.


Next Match

G2 Esports is set to face Gen.G on June 7, 2024.