The recent frustrations expressed by u/TheLiterateCat on the Pokemon GO subreddit highlight a growing concern among the game's community regarding the effectiveness of Niantic's in-game support. This player's ordeal underscores broader issues with customer service that could affect player retention and the overall user experience.


Summary of the Issue

u/TheLiterateCat encountered problems with their avatar's "Power Pose" following an update, which led to an unsatisfactory interaction with Pokemon GO's in-game support. Despite repeated attempts to resolve the issue, the support team's responses were inadequate, and the conversation was never formally closed, preventing the player from reporting other issues. To complicate matters, they were erroneously informed that they had violated the game's Terms of Service.


Key Concerns Highlighted by the Community

  1. Automated Responses: Players are increasingly receiving generic, automated responses to their inquiries, which fail to address specific issues. This not only frustrates players but also leaves them feeling undervalued by the game's support system.

  2. Inability to Close Tickets: The support system's failure to close tickets properly is a significant issue. This not only prevents players from resolving their current issues but also blocks them from reporting new ones, effectively silencing their concerns.

  3. Perceived Neglect by Niantic: The lack of effective communication and resolution strategies from Niantic has led to a perception that the company is neglecting its community's needs, especially in light of the revenue generated by Pokemon GO.


Recommendations for Improvement

  1. Enhance Customer Support Training: Niantic could benefit from investing in more comprehensive training for their customer support team to ensure they can handle specific inquiries more effectively rather than relying heavily on automated systems.

  2. Improve Ticket Management System: Implementing a more robust ticket management system that allows for proper opening and closing of support tickets could significantly improve the user experience and ensure that players' issues are addressed in a timely manner.

  3. Increase Transparency: Niantic should consider being more transparent about the challenges they face and the steps they are taking to resolve them. This could help manage player expectations and foster a sense of trust and understanding within the community.

  4. Community Engagement: Regularly engaging with the community to gather feedback and provide updates on upcoming changes or improvements can help mitigate frustration and make players feel more involved in the game's development process.



The issues faced by u/TheLiterateCat are not isolated, as evidenced by the shared experiences within the Pokemon GO community. Niantic's current challenge is to overhaul its customer support framework to provide more personalized and effective solutions to its players. By addressing these concerns, Niantic can enhance player satisfaction and loyalty, which are crucial for the sustained success of Pokemon GO.