In the evolving world of Pokémon Go, a game that intertwines virtual creatures with real-world locations, a curious trend has emerged. Players eager to catch rare aquatic Pokémon like Wiglett and Wugtrio have begun altering public map data on OpenStreetMap (OSM) to create fictitious beaches in landlocked areas.


The Quest for Wiglett and Wugtrio

These two Pokémon, which are inspired by garden eels and resemble the classic Pokémon Diglett and Dugtrio, naturally appear in beach biomes. For players living far from actual coastlines, the challenge of capturing these elusive creatures has sparked a wave of creative, if unethical, solutions.


Manipulating OpenStreetMap

Originally using Google Maps, Pokémon Go switched to OpenStreetMap in 2017 to define the real-world geography that its game mechanics rely upon. This includes various biomes where specific Pokémon types are more likely to appear. Some players, unable to travel to genuine beaches, have taken to adding non-existent beaches to OSM. These "beaches" have been falsely reported in residential backyards, golf courses, and even sports fields.


The Impact of Map Vandalism

This manipulation of map data not only undermines the accuracy of OpenStreetMap, a valuable resource relied upon for a variety of applications beyond gaming, but it also may not even serve the players' intended purpose. As highlighted by OSM contributors, it's unclear how frequently Niantic updates its game data from OSM. Consequently, these fabricated biomes might not even result in the appearance of the desired Pokémon, while simultaneously corrupting valuable geographic data.


Community Responses

The OSM community has been proactive in addressing these issues. Contributors have developed extensive resources to educate new users—many of whom discover OSM through Pokémon Go—about the platform's true purpose. While some players engage in what's been termed "truth-stretching" vandalism, others eventually turn into valuable contributors, diligently improving OSM's coverage where it's sparse or outdated.


Looking Ahead

This phenomenon highlights the unforeseen consequences of blending digital gaming environments with real-world data. For Niantic, managing these interactions poses ongoing challenges, particularly in maintaining the integrity of both the game's experience and the real-world data it utilizes. For the broader OSM community and other stakeholders, it underscores the importance of vigilant oversight and the potential need for more stringent controls on public-contributed data to prevent misuse while still encouraging positive community involvement and enrichment.