Kratos Gaming Network (KGeN), previously known as IndiGG, has launched an extensive nationwide campaign to educate and empower a new generation of gamers about the opportunities within Web3 gaming. This initiative is set to traverse cities across India, including major hubs like Mumbai, Delhi, Indore, and Kolkata, as well as various tier 1, 2, and 3 cities, targeting gaming communities and students in numerous educational institutions.


Focus on Blockchain and Career Opportunities

At the heart of KGeN's campaign is the goal to illustrate the practical and career-oriented benefits of blockchain technology in gaming. Blockchain enhances the gaming experience by providing true ownership of in-game assets, which players can trade or sell across platforms, creating real-world value and potential income streams. With over 1 million gamers already monetizing through KGeN's platform, the network anticipates a substantial increase in its user base.


Innovative Proof-of-Gamer (PoG) Engine

A significant highlight of the campaign is the introduction of the Proof-of-Gamer (PoG) engine, which KGeN touts as the world’s largest gamer reputation program. This technology allows gamers to maintain ownership and control over their gaming data on the blockchain, opening up novel avenues for data monetization and control that extend beyond traditional gaming frameworks.


Ishank Gupta, an Elder Member Council at Kratos Gaming Network, emphasized the revolutionary aspect of this technology, stating, "Data ownership is going to be revolutionary for the industry, and the potential applications extend far beyond gaming.” This model not only empowers gamers with control over their digital assets but also provides a scalable platform for game publishers to enhance engagement with targeted gamer cohorts.


Economic and Industry Growth Projections

The timing of this campaign aligns with substantial growth in the gaming industry, projected to increase from $2.6 billion in 2022 to $8.6 billion by 2027. The Web3 gaming sector, in particular, is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.7% from 2023 to 2033. KGeN’s efforts are poised to catalyze this growth, promoting an ecosystem where gamers not only participate in gaming but also contribute to and benefit from the economic opportunities it presents.



KGeN's initiative marks a significant step in advancing the understanding and integration of Web3 technologies in the gaming sector. By democratizing data ownership and expanding economic opportunities within the gaming community, Kratos Gaming Network is setting the stage for a transformative shift in how gaming ecosystems operate and thrive in a digital economy. This educational campaign is expected to play a crucial role in shaping the future of gaming in India and beyond, making it a pivotal moment for the industry.