Assassin’s Creed Hexe, the latest addition to the renowned Assassin’s Creed series, marks a distinct shift from its predecessors. Marc-Alexis Côté, the series’ Vice President and Executive Producer, hinted at a fresh approach in development at Ubisoft Montreal. This upcoming title dives deep into the realm of witchcraft and is rumored to be set against the backdrop of the 16th-century Holy Roman Empire, as per Bloomberg.


Currently in its early development phases, Assassin’s Creed Hexe is slated for a 2026 release on the Infinity platform. Unlike the expansive sandbox environments typical of the series, Hexe will offer a more streamlined, linear experience with elements of open-world exploration reminiscent of earlier games in the franchise. Insider Gaming reports that the game will feature a single female protagonist named Elsa, who wields supernatural abilities.


One of Elsa's abilities showcased in confidential footage involves her using a spell to take control of a cat. This skill allows players to navigate the dark, cobbled streets of a city undetected, using the cat to create distractions. This particular sequence highlights the game’s darker, more atmospheric tone.


The developers are also planning to integrate a Fear System, inspired by the "Jack The Ripper" DLC from Assassin’s Creed Syndicate. The historical context of the 16th-century Witch Trials, during which as many as 80,000 suspected witches were executed, lends itself well to such a feature, enhancing the game's eerie and suspenseful setting.


Marc-Alexis Côté emphasized the game's unique positioning in an interview with IGN in late 2022, stating that not every game needs to be a lengthy RPG. He expressed a desire to diversify the historical periods and locations explored in the series, making Assassin’s Creed Hexe a noteworthy departure aimed at enriching the franchise’s narrative scope.