After a long and arduous legal confrontation spanning two years, the courtroom saga between SumaiL and Evil Geniuses (EG) has reached its conclusion. The verdict, announced on March 1st, resoundingly favored Evil Geniuses and Peak6, leaving SumaiL empty-handed.


The Initial Stock Grant

The crux of the dispute revolved around the allocation of stock shares to SumaiL during his stint with EG. Back in September 2016, EG, keen on retaining SumaiL's services, awarded him 400,000 shares within the organization. However, the situation took a turn when EG underwent an acquisition by Peak6 Strategic Capital in 2019. At this juncture, SumaiL's shares were converted into common stock and restricted common stock without his explicit consent.


Allegations of Unfair Treatment

According to reports by Richard Lewis, SumaiL's legal team argued that the conversion of his stock holdings occurred without adequate clarification from Peak6 representatives. They contended that SumaiL was left unaware of the ramifications of this conversion. Moreover, the lawsuit asserted that subsequent alterations to the contractual terms imposed unjust financial burdens on SumaiL, including a substantial reduction in his salary and limitations on participating in other team ventures.


EG's Defense

Evil Geniuses vehemently refuted these allegations, asserting that SumaiL was apprised of the contractual terms at each stage of negotiation and was encouraged to seek legal counsel. EG maintained that their actions were not driven by malice, highlighting the substantial financial package offered to SumaiL, which included a monthly salary of $20,000 along with various bonuses. However, following a less-than-stellar performance at The International 2019, SumaiL was presented with an amendment to his contract, which he accepted in order to pursue opportunities with other teams.


The Legal Proceedings

Dueling Arguments

The courtroom drama unfolded with both sides presenting their respective cases to the jury. Allegations of breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, and other grievances were meticulously scrutinized. However, after thorough deliberation, the jury handed down its verdict on March 1st, ruling unanimously in favor of Evil Geniuses and Peak6 across all counts. This verdict meant that SumaiL would not receive any damages.


Conclusion: A Legal Setback for SumaiL

In the aftermath of the legal battle, SumaiL finds himself grappling with a significant defeat. Despite his efforts to seek recompense for what he perceived as unfair treatment, the court's decision has dashed his hopes of securing a favorable outcome. As the dust settles on this protracted legal saga, it serves as a stark reminder of the complexities inherent in the world of esports contracts and the challenges faced by players in asserting their rights within this rapidly evolving industry.