In the expansive arena of Dota 2, where players can choose from 124 unique heroes, Pudge has emerged as a standout favorite, achieving an unprecedented milestone of one billion total picks across all matches. This feat not only highlights the hero's enduring popularity but also sets a record in the game's history.


Why Pudge Dominates the Pick Rate

Pudge's iconic status can be attributed to several factors. Known for his distinct and impactful abilities, especially the notorious Meat Hook, Pudge offers a gameplay experience filled with tension and thrill. The ability to pull enemies from a distance into dangerous positions creates dynamic play opportunities that are both challenging and rewarding.


The hero's popularity was further fueled by professional player Dendi, whose mastery over Pudge during his tenure with NAVI captivated audiences worldwide in the early 2010s. Dendi's performances helped solidify Pudge's place not just as a viable competitive pick but also as a fan favorite, contributing to his high selection rate.


Comparison with Other Popular Heroes

While Pudge leads the pack, other heroes also show significant pick rates, though none have reached the billion mark yet:

  • Phantom Assassin: 704 million picks, 50% win rate
  • Sniper: 692 million picks, 50% win rate
  • Invoker: 653 million picks, 48% win rate
  • Juggernaut: 627 million picks, 51% win rate

These heroes, along with others like Lion, Legion Commander, and Axe, also enjoy widespread popularity, each offering unique skills and playstyles that appeal to different types of players.


What Lies Ahead?

With Pudge now surpassing one billion picks, the question arises: which hero will next reach this milestone? Phantom Assassin currently follows as a distant second with over 704 million picks. However, recent trends suggest that Lion, consistently the second most-picked hero in recent months, might accelerate in popularity and potentially challenge for the spot.



Pudge's achievement of one billion picks is a testament to the hero's compelling design, impactful gameplay, and the vibrant community of players who continue to choose him over a decade after his release. As Dota 2 evolves, it will be intriguing to see how the dynamics of hero popularity shift and which characters will rise to challenge Pudge's dominance in the pick rates.