Squad Busters is an engaging multiplayer game where players aim to assemble a powerful squad to collect gems and defeat opponents. Understanding the game's mechanics and strategies from the start can significantly enhance your gameplay experience.


Navigating the HUD

The Head-Up Display (HUD) in Squad Busters is your primary tool for tracking progress, missions, and achievements. Familiarize yourself with this interface early on to effectively manage your squad and optimize your in-game strategy.


Choosing Your Initial Unit

At the beginning of the game, you choose one unit from three options: Goblin, Hog Rider, and Chicken. Each has unique attributes:

  • Goblin: Offers extra coins per match and deals 170 damage at the Baby level.
  • Chicken: Features Turbo Boot for better mobility, dealing 120 damage at the Baby level.
  • Hog Rider: Known for its speed on grassland, inflicts 150 damage at the Baby level.

Understanding these initial choices helps set the direction for your squad development.


Unit Evolution and Types

Units evolve from their Baby form to Classic and then to Super forms, each enhancement boosting their abilities and effectiveness in battle. Rare MEGA Units like El Tigre and Dragon Chicken occasionally appear, offering significant power boosts but are less common.


Gem Pass and Spells

The Gem Pass enhances your playing experience by providing rewards as you collect gems. Spells such as Heal, Rage, Cannon, and Log, familiar to Supercell game fans, can be collected and used to turn the tide of battle in your favor.


Chests and Squad Development

After each match, you earn chests that contain characters which can be upgraded based on your performance. These chests are crucial for unlocking new characters and enhancing your squad's capabilities, with character rarities ranging from common to epic.


Squad Journey and Modifiers

The Squad Journey functions similarly to a trophy road, offering rewards and new characters as you advance. Each new world introduces unique challenges and modifiers, such as Loot Goblin Rush or Epic Overload, which alter gameplay and provide fresh experiences.


Completing Quests for Additional Rewards

Quests accessed through the Plaza offer daily challenges that, when completed, yield EXP and other rewards like new characters. These quests are key to progressing and enhancing your in-game resources.


Using Avatars as Milestones

Unlocking various avatars through your progression not only adds a personal touch to your profile but also marks your achievements and growth within the game.



By mastering these fundamental aspects of Squad Busters, you'll be well on your way to becoming a formidable player. Engage with the game's systems, develop your squad wisely, and utilize your resources to dominate the battlefield.