The indie game convention WASD in London showcased a compelling trio of upcoming video games that delve deep into the human experience, each exploring different facets of mental health through creative storytelling and engaging gameplay. The Quiet Things, Pieced Together, and I'll Be Brave Tomorrow not only promise to offer immersive experiences but also aim to provide players with a sense of validation and connection to their own life challenges. Here’s a closer look at these heartfelt games:


The Quiet Things

Developed by Silver Script Games and led by BAFTA breakthrough recipient Alyx Jones, The Quiet Things is a first-person exploration game based on Jones' own childhood. The narrative spans from age eight to eighteen, addressing severe familial abuse, homelessness, and sexual assault during Jones' teenage years. The game's exploration through the protagonist Alice's eyes seeks to tackle the stigma surrounding these issues by presenting them with raw authenticity.


The Quiet Things - An Auto-Biographical Game by Alyx Jones — Kickstarter


Players will navigate Alice's childhood home, uncovering her past through environmental clues and diary entries that are actual excerpts from Jones’ childhood diaries. This layer of personal truth adds profound depth to the game, making it not just a narrative exploration but a window into real-life experiences.


Pieced Together

Pieced Together offers a lighter but equally impactful take on the theme of loss, specifically the drifting apart of childhood friendships. This cozy scrapbook puzzler by Glowfrog Games invites players into the reflective world of Connie as she pens a letter to her estranged friend, Beth. The game is set entirely within a scrapbook, combining puzzles with storytelling as players arrange photos, stickers, and notes that chronicle the friendship.


Pieced Together on Steam


The game's aesthetic, filled with nostalgic references to the 90s and early 2000s, resonates with those familiar with the era and adds a layer of personal connection for players. It tackles the often overlooked emotional weight of losing a friend and the process of coming to terms with that change.


I'll Be Brave Tomorrow

In partnership with Great Ormond Street Hospital, I'll Be Brave Tomorrow from InkForge Studios is a narrative-driven adventure that portrays the hospital experience through the eyes of Robyn, a young patient. The game features a unique dual-world mechanic where players toggle between Robyn's 3D hospital environment and a 2D platformer she plays to escape her reality.



The game's development is closely tied to the real-life experiences of the studio’s founder, Thomas Hunt, who has been a patient at GOSH since infancy. It aims to transform the perception of hospital stays from something fearful to a journey towards recovery, emphasizing the therapeutic power of play and imagination.



These upcoming games stand out not only for their engaging gameplay but also for their commitment to authenticity and emotional depth. They each tackle different aspects of the human condition, from severe trauma and loss to chronic illness, aiming to foster understanding and empathy. By focusing on such personal and often difficult subjects, these games strive to broaden the narrative scope of the gaming world, inviting players to see life through someone else's shoes.