Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2 has launched, offering players an array of new content and experiences to dive into. However, amidst the excitement, a longstanding request from the community remains unaddressed: the absence of an "Appear Offline" feature.


While Fortnite thrives on multiplayer engagements, there are occasions when players crave solitary gaming sessions. The inability to appear offline exposes them to a barrage of party invites, disrupting their desired gameplay experience.


In a Reddit post titled "Can we have an 'appear offline' feature? Sometimes I just want to play solo in peace without having people bother me," user StrangeSPHERE voiced the sentiment shared by many. They underscored the utility of such a feature, citing its presence on other platforms like Valorant and Discord.


The community's frustration is palpable, questioning why such a fundamental feature hasn't been integrated into Fortnite despite its longevity in the gaming landscape. Many players yearn for the freedom to enjoy the game without incessant invites encroaching upon their solitude.


One user expressed, "It's been 6 years; this feature would be nice to have, but instead I get invited to play Zone Wars when all I want to do is play stw."

Can we have an “appear offline” feature? Sometimes I just want to play solo in peace without having people bothering me..
byu/StrangeSPHERE inFortNiteBR


Another echoed the sentiment, sharing, "We really do need this feature. I absolutely love playing with my nephew. But sometimes I just want to play without him. I love these kids, but I'd love to be able to play without them knowing I'm online."


Given Epic Games' proactive engagement with the Fortnite community, there's optimism that the demand for an "Appear Offline" feature will be met. With developers frequently monitoring player feedback on the subreddit, it's conceivable that this long-awaited addition may find its way into Chapter 5, Season 2, enhancing the gaming experience for solitary players across the Fortnite universe.