The Apex Legends Riyadh Esports World Cup 2024 is gearing up to be a major highlight in the esports calendar this summer. Set in the heart of Saudi Arabia at the expansive Gamers8 arena, this event aims to bring together the global communities of several top first-person shooter and battle royale games under one roof. Here's what we know so far about what to expect from this upcoming event:


Venue and Location

  • Location: Gamers8 Arena, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  • Facility: Known for its state-of-the-art facilities, the Gamers8 arena is one of the largest gaming and event destinations worldwide.


Games and Format

  • Games Included: Alongside Apex Legends, the tournament will feature other popular titles such as Dota 2, Counter-Strike 2, Rainbow 6 Siege, and Overwatch 2.
  • Competition: The event will host various esports organizations from around the world, competing in different game categories.


Challenges and Opportunities

  • Past Challenges: The Apex Legends community has faced hurdles, notably the ALGS hack incident earlier this year, which disrupted the competitive scene.
  • Opportunity for Redemption: The Riyadh Esports World Cup presents a unique opportunity for the community and the game to rebound on a grand stage, potentially revitalizing the interest and competitive spirit within the Apex Legends esports scene.


Additional Attractions

  • Beyond Gaming: The event is designed to be family-friendly, with plans for stage performances, music events, and various other attractions to cater to a wide audience.
  • Global Appeal: The tournament is not just for local fans but is open to international visitors, offering a mix of high-stakes esports action and cultural experiences.


Viewing Options

  • Live Streaming: For those unable to attend in person, the event will be streamed live on platforms such as Twitch and YouTube, making it accessible to a global audience.
  • Interactive Engagements: Viewers can expect interactive features during the livestreams, enhancing the viewing experience.


Stay Updated

  • Further Announcements: Details such as the official dates and the tournament format are still to be announced. Potential participants and fans should stay tuned to official channels for updates.
  • Coverage: Sportskeeda and other esports news outlets will continue to provide updates on the schedule, format, and more detailed news related to Apex Legends and other games featured at the event.


The Apex Legends Riyadh Esports World Cup 2024 is shaping up to be an essential event for esports enthusiasts globally, promising competitive excellence and entertainment. Whether you're a hardcore fan or a casual viewer, this event will have something exciting to offer.